Ringing in
your ears?
It’s called tinnitus and it can
often be relieved by the use of
properly fitted hearing aids.
Tinnitus Facts
Dr. Max Stanley Chartrand
Most Cases of Tinnitus Are “Phantom Hearing”
Tinnitus has been described as “the search party
looking for the missing hearing” (phantom hearing effect)
Hence, the broad implication here is that after the
missing hearing has been found (via hearing aids, etc.)
the dogs are called off and the tinnitus annoyance is
Indeed, every plausible study has demonstrated that
appropriate fitting of hearing aids is the best solution for
most long-term tinnitus cases
The key is in having a trained professional providing
the diagnostics and programming and instrumentation
featuring an acoustic range that exceeds 8-12KHz (F2)
Contributors of Long-Term Tinnitus
Auditory Deprivation (Phantom Hearing”)
-Uncorrected Sensori-neural hearing loss
-Hypercusis (too much quiet)
-Acoustic Trauma (too much noise)
Lifestyle Causes
-Lack of “R” Sleep
-Chronic Dehydration
-Vocational/Recreational noise
-Food Additives
-Nutrient Deficiencies
-Sedentary Lifestyle
Tympanic Membrane Artifacts
-Perforation -Disarticulation
-Gestation, Other TM Scarring
-Chronic Infection/Allergy
Medical Causes
-Jaw/Tooth Sepsis
-Medication side-effects
-Chronic Diseases
-Congenital Malformations
-Heavy Metals (lead,mercury)
-Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Menieres Disease
Four Tinnitus Benefits of Appropriately
Fitted Instrumentation
Auditory Reattention (AR)
Redirection of one’s attention away from the tinnitus and
toward signals occurring in the environment
Environmental Masking (EM)
Use of naturally occurring sounds to mask tinnitus that are
otherwise inaudible to impaired ears
Residual Inhibition (RI)
Reduces or eliminates the “phantom hearing” effect of
tinnitus, often elimination the tinnitus noise over time.
Stress Relief (SR)
Better hearing brings better health state, lower blood
pressure, better focus and concentration, and better
There’s one way to find out. Take advantage of our Flex
Trial demo program. We’ll let you wear some hearing
aids for a week at no charge.
Call today!